Just Like That, I am Back

 If I said I was back, would you believe me? Blogging is complicated, and there are so many "get rich quick" blogging schemes that make it look like you are a lost cause if you are not currently earning money blogging. And why are you even blogging if you don't have multiple streams of income and entertainment. If you don't have a brand? I do have this website, but I do not have Instagram, Twitter, TikTok (you don't want to see me dance), or whatever is next.  Heck, I haven't even updated this since before the pandemic. So why am I here, writing about being back and then, probably ghosting for another two years? Life has been rough. It's been painful and overwhelming. I am so thankful for you my readers, or what is left of you. I am so thankful you are reading this post. I am so thankful that you are still committed to making the world a more exciting and more sustainable place.  Keep up-cycling my friends, and you never know, I might be back again with an...

1-1-11 New Years Resolutions!

paper craft calendar for 2011 is hereImage by 'smil via FlickrThank you everyone for hanging in there with me as I tried to get the hang of this whole blogging thing. I think I am figuring it out but I have a ways to go.

Things that went well in 2010 that I plan on continuing in 2011 -

  1. Craft Shows! I don't seem to make all that much money but I have only done four shows and I am still sort of feeling my way around these things. Part of it is that I never seem to have that huge of an inventory part of it is a learning process, but I am working on it and will keep you updated in 2011.
  2. ETSY - I figured out how to start an ETSY site. granted I have not marketed the sight at all to anyone and it is just kind of hanging out here on the blog. I plan on doing a little more marketing once I fill up my site. I was thinking of challenging my self to listing twenty-eight things during the month of February. like a 28 for 28 deal. We will have to see I am just happy to be able to have a site to link crafty people to check out a sample of my work.
  3. Eating a mainly vegetarian diet. I was a vegetarian for 17 years. I would like to become a vegetarian again but for some reason the hubsters thinks it will be impossible to keep the kids fed if I don't eat meat. So we compromised. I am not a flexatarian which is a wimpy vegetarian who is still eating some meat product or another, in my case fish. Hopefully I will be able to go full out vegetarian in 2012. The kids do love there tofu after all!
Things that did not go well -

  1. Me involved in any sort of thing that requires walking to a mailbox unless I am getting paid for it. I am a failure at sending out mail. I mean I procrastinate to the end unless someone has purchased something from me than I will get it out in the mail as fast as humanly possible.
  2. My napping addiction. I need a mid afternoon nap. No I am not pregnant, but it is a horrible cycle. I can't fall asleep at night so I need a mid afternoon nap when my kids are napping, thus I am tired the next day. I resolve to try my hardest to nix these naps unless of course I do get pregnant again.
  3. Debt. Ouch this one hurts. I am resoplving to spend a little more time working on being thrifty and reducing my debt. I have to not buy things that our family doesn't need, be thrifty, upcycle when possible, use coupons, and work a little more. Also the $75 I spend a month at Chik-fil-a has to end. I think the giving up meat will help in that and to be fair it is roughly on trip a week with the kids. I also have to give up fancy coffee. Starbucks is killing me. Maybe I will even start a little side blog about eating my way out of debt (but come on probably not).
  4. My e-book. No it's not for this site, or anything of crafty goodness but I have an ebook in my head, I need to write it, and I need to get it done in 2011.
Thanks for everything last year and here is to a fabulous 2011!

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Jill said…
Good luck on your new goals. I think you could even use this blog to work on the debt one - being thrifty and upcycling go hand in hand! :) I'm continuing my "What the Heck Wednesday" feature which revolves around stashbusting. It would be fun if you did another stashbusting event this year- I had fun with it in 2010 (maybe we could team up!!)
Michelle L. said…
All those things are going to happen! I was inspired by you to open an Etsy shop, too. Let's have fun with it this year. And I second the motion for another round of stashbusting!
ANKH said…
#1 on the bottom list answers a lot.

Good luck in 2011!

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